Source code for

"""This module contains the code to calculate infections by events."""
import pandas as pd
from sid.config import DTYPE_VIRUS_STRAIN
from sid.virus_strains import combine_first_factorized_infections
from sid.virus_strains import factorize_boolean_or_categorical_infections

[docs]def calculate_infections_by_events(states, params, events, virus_strains, seed): """Apply events to states and return indicator for infections. Each event is evaluated which yields a collection of series with indicators for infected people. All events are merged with the logical OR. Args: states (pandas.DataFrame): See :ref:`states`. params (pandas.DataFrame): See :ref:`params`. events (dict): Dictionary of events which cause infections. virus_strains (Dict[str, Any]): A dictionary with the keys ``"names"`` and ``"factors"`` holding the different contagiousness factors of multiple viruses. seed (itertools.count): The seed counter. Returns: newly_infected_events (pandas.Series): Series marking individuals who have been infected through an event. The index is the same as states, values are boolean. `True` marks individuals infected by an event. """ infected_by_event = pd.Series(index=states.index, data=-1, dtype=DTYPE_VIRUS_STRAIN) channel_infected_by_event = pd.Series(index=states.index, data=-1) for i, event in enumerate(events.values()): loc = event.get("loc", params.index) func = event["model"] categorical_infections = func(states, params.loc[loc], next(seed)) factorized_infections = factorize_boolean_or_categorical_infections( categorical_infections, virus_strains ) infected_by_event = combine_first_factorized_infections( infected_by_event, factorized_infections ) channel_infected_by_event.loc[ factorized_infections >= 0 & channel_infected_by_event.eq(-1) ] = i codes_to_event = {-1: "not_infected_by_event", **dict(enumerate(events))} channel_infected_by_event = pd.Series( pd.Categorical(channel_infected_by_event, categories=list(codes_to_event)), index=states.index, ).cat.rename_categories(codes_to_event) infected_by_event = pd.Series(infected_by_event, index=states.index) return infected_by_event, channel_infected_by_event