Source code for sid.msm

"""Estimate models with the method of simulated moments (MSM).

The method of simulated moments is developed by [1]_, [2]_, and [3]_ and an estimation
technique where the distance between the moments of the actual data and the moments
implied by the model parameters is minimized.


.. [1] McFadden, D. (1989). A method of simulated moments for estimation of discrete
       response models without numerical integration. Econometrica: Journal of the
       Econometric Society, 995-1026.
.. [2] Lee, B. S., & Ingram, B. F. (1991). Simulation estimation of time-series models.
       Journal of Econometrics, 47(2-3), 197-205.
.. [3] Duffie, D., & Singleton, K. (1993). Simulated Moments Estimation of Markov Models
       of Asset Prices. Econometrica, 61(4), 929-952.

import functools

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

[docs]def get_msm_func( simulate, calc_moments, empirical_moments, replace_nans, weighting_matrix=None, additional_outputs=None, ): """Get the msm function. Args: simulate (callable): Function which accepts parameters and returns simulated data. calc_moments (callable or dict): Function(s) used to calculate simulated moments. If it is a dictionary, it must have the same keys as empirical_moments empirical_moments (pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series or dict): One pandas object or a dictionary of pandas objects with empirical moments. replace_nans (callable or list): Functions(s) specifying how to handle NaNs in simulated_moments. Must match structure of empirical_moments. Exception: If only one replacement function is specified, it will be used on all sets of simulated moments. weighting_matrix (numpy.ndarray): Square matrix of dimension (NxN) with N denoting the number of empirical_moments. Used to weight squared moment errors. additional_outputs (dict or None): Dictionary of functions. Each function is evaluated on the output of the simulate function and the result is saved in the output dictionary of the msm function. Returns: msm_func (callable): MSM function where all arguments except the parameter vector are set. """ if weighting_matrix is None: weighting_matrix = get_diag_weighting_matrix(empirical_moments) if not _is_diagonal(weighting_matrix): raise ValueError("weighting_matrix must be diagonal.") empirical_moments = _harmonize_input(empirical_moments) calc_moments = _harmonize_input(calc_moments) # If only one replacement function is given for multiple sets of moments, duplicate # replacement function for all sets of simulated moments. if callable(replace_nans): replace_nans = {k: replace_nans for k in empirical_moments} replace_nans = _harmonize_input(replace_nans) if 1 < len(replace_nans) < len(empirical_moments): raise ValueError( "Replacement functions can only be matched 1:1 or 1:n with sets of " "empirical moments." ) elif len(replace_nans) > len(empirical_moments): raise ValueError( "There are more replacement functions than sets of empirical moments." ) else: pass if len(calc_moments) != len(empirical_moments): raise ValueError( "Number of functions to calculate simulated moments must be equal to " "the number of sets of empirical moments." ) if additional_outputs is not None: if not _is_dict_of_callables(additional_outputs): raise ValueError("additional_outputs must be a dict of callables.") else: additional_outputs = {} invalid_keys = { "value", "root_contributions", "root_contributions", "empirical_moments", "simulated_moments", } invalid_present = invalid_keys.intersection(additional_outputs) if invalid_present: raise ValueError("Invalid keys in additional_outputs: {invalid}") msm_func = functools.partial( _msm, simulate=simulate, calc_moments=calc_moments, empirical_moments=empirical_moments, replace_nans=replace_nans, weighting_matrix=weighting_matrix, additional_outputs=additional_outputs, ) return msm_func
[docs]def _msm( params, simulate, calc_moments, empirical_moments, replace_nans, weighting_matrix, additional_outputs, ): """The MSM criterion function. This function will be prepared by :func:`get_msm_func` and have all its arguments except `params` attached to it. """ sim_out = simulate(params) simulated_moments = {name: func(sim_out) for name, func in calc_moments.items()} simulated_moments = { name: sim_mom.reindex_like(empirical_moments[name]) for name, sim_mom in simulated_moments.items() } simulated_moments = { name: replace_nans[name](sim_mom) for name, sim_mom in simulated_moments.items() } flat_empirical_moments = _flatten_index(empirical_moments) flat_simulated_moments = _flatten_index(simulated_moments) moment_errors = flat_simulated_moments - flat_empirical_moments root_contribs = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(weighting_matrix)) * moment_errors value = np.sum(root_contribs ** 2) out = { "value": value, "root_contributions": root_contribs, "empirical_moments": empirical_moments, "simulated_moments": simulated_moments, } for name, func in additional_outputs.items(): out[name] = func(sim_out) return out
[docs]def get_diag_weighting_matrix(empirical_moments, weights=None): """Create a diagonal weighting matrix from weights. Args: empirical_moments (pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series or dict or list): Contains the empirical moments calculated for the observed data. Moments should be saved to pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series that can either be passed to the function directly or as items of a list or dictionary. weights (pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series or dict or list): Contains weights (usually variances) of empirical moments. Must match structure of empirical_moments i.e. if empirical_moments is a list of :class:`pandas.DataFrame`, weights be list of pandas.DataFrames as well where each DataFrame entry contains the weight for the corresponding moment in empirical_moments. Returns: (numpy.ndarray): Array contains a diagonal weighting matrix. """ empirical_moments = _harmonize_input(empirical_moments) # Use identity matrix if no weights are specified. if weights is None: flat_weights = _flatten_index(empirical_moments) flat_weights[:] = 1 # Harmonize input weights. else: weights = _harmonize_input(weights) # Reindex weights to ensure they are assigned to the correct moments in # the msm function and convert scalars to pandas objects cleaned = {} for name, weight in weights.items(): if np.isscalar(weight): nonscalar = empirical_moments[name].copy(deep=True) nonscalar[:] = weight cleaned[name] = nonscalar else: cleaned[name] = weight.reindex_like(empirical_moments[name]) flat_weights = _flatten_index(cleaned) return np.diag(flat_weights)
[docs]def get_flat_moments(empirical_moments): """Compute the empirical moments flat indexes. Args: empirical_moments (pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series or dict or list): Containing pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series. Contains the empirical moments calculated for the observed data. Moments should be saved to pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series that can either be passed to the function directly or as items of a list or dictionary. Returns: flat_empirical_moments (pandas.DataFrame): Vector of empirical_moments with flat index. """ empirical_moments = _harmonize_input(empirical_moments) flat_empirical_moments = _flatten_index(empirical_moments) return flat_empirical_moments
[docs]def _harmonize_input(data): """Harmonize different types of inputs by turning all inputs into dicts.""" if isinstance(data, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)) or callable(data): data = {0: data} elif isinstance(data, dict): pass else: raise ValueError( "Moments must be pandas objects or dictionaries of pandas objects." ) return data
[docs]def _flatten_index(data): """Flatten the index as a combination of the former index and the columns.""" data_flat = [] for name, series_or_df in data.items(): series_or_df = series_or_df.copy(deep=True) series_or_df.index = # Unstack DataFrames and Series to add columns/Series name to index. if isinstance(series_or_df, pd.DataFrame): df = series_or_df.rename(columns=lambda x: f"{name}_{x}") # Series without a name are named using a counter to avoid duplicate indexes. elif isinstance(series_or_df, pd.Series): df = series_or_df.to_frame(name=f"{name}") else: raise NotImplementedError # Columns to the index. df = df.unstack() df.index = df.index.to_flat_index().str.join("_") data_flat.append(df) return pd.concat(data_flat)
[docs]def _is_diagonal(mat): """Check if the matrix is diagonal.""" return not np.count_nonzero(mat - np.diag(np.diagonal(mat)))
[docs]def _is_dict_of_callables(x): return isinstance(x, dict) and all(callable(value) for value in x.values())