Source code for sid.testing_allocation

import itertools
import warnings
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict

import pandas as pd
from sid.validation import validate_return_is_series_or_ndarray

[docs]def allocate_tests( states: pd.DataFrame, testing_allocation_models: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]], demands_test: pd.Series, params: pd.DataFrame, date: pd.Timestamp, seed: itertools.count, ) -> pd.Series: """Allocate tests to people who demand one. The function iterates over all test allocation models and each model is able to see how many tests have already been allotted by the previous models. Args: states (pandas.DataFrame): The states of all individuals. testing_demand_models (Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]): A dictionary containing the demand models for testing. demands_test (pandas.Series): A boolean series indicating which person demands a test. params (pandas.DataFrame): The parameter DataFrame. date (pandas.Timestamp): Current date. seed (itertools.count): The seed counter. Returns: all_allocated_tests (pandas.Series): A boolean series indicating which individuals received a test. """ all_allocated_tests = pd.Series(index=states.index, data=False) current_demands_test = demands_test.copy() for name, model in testing_allocation_models.items(): loc = model.get("loc", params.index) func = model["model"] if model["start"] <= date <= model["end"]: allocated_tests = func( n_allocated_tests=all_allocated_tests.sum(), demands_test=current_demands_test, states=states, params=params.loc[loc], seed=next(seed), ) allocated_tests = validate_return_is_series_or_ndarray( allocated_tests, name, "testing_allocation_models", states.index ) if not current_demands_test[allocated_tests].all(): warnings.warn( "A test was allocated to an individual which did not request one." ) # Set the demand of individuals who received a test to ``False``. current_demands_test.loc[allocated_tests] = False # Update series with all allocated tests. all_allocated_tests.loc[allocated_tests] = True n_available_tests = round( params.loc[("testing", "allocation", "rel_available_tests"), "value"] * len(states) * RELATIVE_POPULATION_PARAMETER ) if n_available_tests < all_allocated_tests.sum(): warnings.warn( "The test allocation models distributed more tests than available." ) return all_allocated_tests
[docs]def update_pending_tests( states: pd.DataFrame, allocated_tests: pd.Series ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Update information regarding pending tests.""" states.loc[allocated_tests, "pending_test"] = True states.loc[allocated_tests, "pending_test_date"] = states.loc[ allocated_tests, "date" ] return states